Thursday, March 15, 2018


I'm feeling so low
I'm feeling down low
low down bitch of a day
and there's no reason
just the season?
I can't stand the heat
and can't get out of the kitchen
so I'll just keep bitchin

- Donna Holmes (Summer 2016)

Sitting on the Ledge

Day has won, feel the sun, as it slips onto the horizon
On the edge of the wedge of rock we call North Mountain
In it dips in tides that rip, all around the Fundy shore

But there's no one keeping score. 

Sitting on the ledge by the edge of the world's smallest harbour
Slipping through the cracks would take me... farther
But the falling onto stone, breaking bone, might hurt more than I wanna feel

Unlike hearts, broken heads don't heal.

- Donna Holmes (Summer 2016?)