Saturday, January 15, 2011

In the beginning...

This is my first foray into the blogging world - hallelujah!  Since I have just recently begun identifying myself as someone who writes (not quite a writer yet), I let my friend Liz talk me into beginning a blog.  The blog title is the name of the book I'm working on (and may possibly complete in about 20 years) and is purposely ironic considering I work for a church.  They believe in God, I believe in people - it seems to work out swell.  :o)

This year is going to be mostly about getting the new (and first) three-act musical I've recently written produced and then hopefully published.  I plan to sing my heart out as much as I've ever done and... WRITE. May you all have a productive year that is especially creative and joyful.

- Donna-Lynne.


  1. First, Love this post's title, very fitting, you are so good at thinking up the right phrase.

    Second, great introductory post. I look forward to reading more it the future.

    Third, the layout looks good.

    So, yay Donna-Lynne!

  2. What a girl you are - so many things going on - good luck with the book - who knows it might become a best seller and then I can brag that I have a singer/actress/songwriter/musician/author niece. xo

  3. Subscribe'd

    I look forward to reading your posts, blogging is a great way to get some ideas out so you can focus on the big ideas in your projects. Screenplays, novels, song....

  4. ooh, Donna, you're up to five comments!

    I totally agree with Re blogging is a great way to focus and at the same time have writer's block.
