Monday, July 2, 2012

I Hate Bugs

I HATE bugs.
HATE THEM from their tiny tails to their tiny little mugs.
I know, I know they're good for the planet
But why must they invade my apartment?  DAMN IT!!??
They're squishy and icky and slimy and gross
They're creepy and crawly and crispy (shudder) and too close!
Seeing them is cool out in their natural habitat
Seeing them inside makes me wanna make 'em go SPLAT.
The violence they engender within me is great
Yet I don't have the heart to completely exterminate
Can't we come to an agreement? My white flag is unfurled
Little bugs leave my home - you have the rest of the world!

Sigh.  There's no reasoning with the little shits
Time to let them know... I.... HAVE... HAD.... IT!

Oh look.  Bug spray's on sale.
Stay tuned for the rest of the gruesome... "Donna vs Bugs" tale. 

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